We aim to improve the quality of life that our residents experience by providing an exceptional and compassionate care program. We strive to create an environment that prioritizes our residents’ safety and comfort, ensuring that they are given optimum care.
Diabetic Care
Our team of compassionate caregivers is trained to assist residents with monitoring blood sugar levels, administering medications, and maintaining a balanced diet tailored to their dietary restrictions. We prioritize the well-being of our residents by promoting a healthy lifestyle and offering personalized care that addresses the specific challenges associated with diabetes. We ensure that your loved ones receive expert diabetic care within the comfort of a supportive and nurturing environment.
Memory Care
All of our staff have specialty training in Dementia and Mental Health Training, giving us extra knowledge and tools to work with Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia residents, as well as end of life care.
Respite Care
Caring for a loved one can be rewarding and demanding. We offer respite care services to provide temporary relief to care givers who need a break.We understand that caregiving can be physically and emotionally demanding. Our respite care services provide temporary relief for primary caregivers. Whether you need a short break or an extended period of care, we are here to support you and your loved one.
Hospice Care
We provide hospice care and compassionate care for people in the last phases of incurable disease so that they may live as fully and comfortably as possible.Ye-Luhe Care AFH offers hospice care in collaboration with reputable hospice agencies. We provide a peaceful and comfortable environment to ensure your loved one’s comfort and dignity during their end-of-life journey.
Post Stroke Care
Managing life post-stroke can be a challenging task for everyone involved, but it does not have to overwhelm you or your family.Our AFH home has the provision of multidisciplinary, coordinated, structured rehabilitation, and appropriate specialist post-stroke health services for our residents.
Disability Care
Staying in a supportive and community-focused environment is essential for seniors, particularly for those with physical disabilities. Our home is designed to provide personal care services to individuals requiring assistance.